Facebook Reels Comments Not Showing – How to Fix this Issue

In the ever-evolving social media landscape, Facebook’s Reels feature stands as a dynamic canvas for self-expression through short-form video content. However, just like any digital realm, it isn’t immune to technical hiccups. If you’ve ever found yourself puzzled by the enigmatic absence of comments on your Facebook Reels, fret not. We’re here to unravel this particular mystery and offer you practical solutions. In this article, we’ll exclusively delve into the realm of Facebook Reels, exploring the prevalent reasons behind the elusive comments, which often stem from network issues, technical glitches, or privacy settings.

What Causes The Facebook Reels Comments Not Showing?

The comments on Facebook videos may not be visible for a number of reasons. The publisher may have disabled the comments feature in their website, which would explain why you are unable to view them.

However, there are other possibilities, such as a problem or glitch in the Facebook system or a subpar internet connection, which prevents Facebook from working correctly. Follow the steps in the solutions section to address any problem you’re experiencing.

Either you are using an out-of-date version of Facebook or there is a bug/glitch on the Facebook system if the comment option disappears from Reels on Facebook. So, ensure you’re always using the most recent Facebook app version.

How to Fix Facebook Reel Comments Not Showing?

Reels are a relatively new app feature on Facebook, but have quickly gained in popularity. It’s frustrating when comments aren’t displayed properly on the reels.

Fortunately, we’ll be discussing both the root reasons of the issue and various solutions that could make the comments viewable once more. If you’re interested in learning more, continue reading below.

By Blocking a browser extension

Many Facebook users have added useful add-ons to their browsers to make the platform even more useful. However, they can occasionally cause problems with Facebook and other popular websites.

If the issue is with the browser, you should already be logged into the platform. Although many users don’t attribute the absence of their Facebook reel remarks to an issue with the extension, testing its functionality without it can’t hurt. It could end up helping you out.

By Updating the Facebook app

If the comments section isn’t loading in the videos, reload your Facebook app and look for it. When the only cause of the issue is a lack of updates, there’s no use in looking at a wide variety of methods and techniques, is there? Sometimes, all it takes to fix an issue is a shop update.

How to Install the New Facebook App Update

  • Spread the word about the Android/Google Play Store and the iOS/Apple Store.
  • You may find Facebook by typing its name into the top search bar and selecting the result.
  • I was wondering if there was a way to update it. If the answer is affirmative, you can press it to complete the update.
Facebook Reels Comments Not Showing

After installing the update, please restart the Facebook app to check for the presence of the reel comments.

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Due to Slow or no internet connection

First, we’ll ensure the internet connection is working properly and address any issues. Facebook won’t refresh or reload without an internet connection, nor will the comments. The comments may not show up at all in many cases. Verify that your gadget can access the web.

Facebook Reels Comments Not Showing

Check the wifi indicator or your mobile data status to make sure you’re connected. Your sluggish connection could be the result of a poor network environment. If this is the case, you may want to move to a better network zone where the online experience is more stable.

By Trying to clear cache

It’s also possible that the comment area isn’t showing up when watching reels in a browser because of the browser cache or the website hasn’t fully loaded. To do this, clear your browser’s cache and then refresh the page. You should erase the Facebook app’s cache if you use it regularly.

Contact Facebook support:

If you’ve exhausted these options and still need help, contact Facebook’s support team. Please be as descriptive as possible, including the operating system, web browser, and mobile device used, as well as any relevant error messages.

If you’re having difficulties seeing comments on your Facebook Reels, try these solutions. If you want to fix this, you need to talk to your visitors and get them involved in other ways, like liking and sharing the Reels video or commenting on other postings.

Can people comment on Facebook reels?

When users submit their Instagram’reels’ to Facebook, they are effectively making a new post. Likes and comments made on an Instagram post are never copied over to the corresponding Facebook page. The Facebook post usually has its own comment and reaction sections.

Can you see who watched your reels on Facebook?

Unfortunately, Facebook does not allow you to track who views your videos. Facebook Reels does not have a built-in function that shows users a list of people who viewed their videos as Instagram Stories does. Only the grand sum of plays is visible.

How does Facebook Reels work?

Facebook’s Reels video format includes all the trimmings: sound, music, augmented reality effects, and more. If the creator of the Instagram account recommends it on Facebook, you can also check out their public reels there. You may see reels in your Feed or in the Videos tab, depending on how relevant they are to you.

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