How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

In the enchanting world of Minecraft, honeycomb serves as a valuable resource, pivotal in crafting beehives and a multitude of other essential items. Acquiring honeycomb is a breeze, yet it requires a delicate touch to avoid the ire of protective bees. Fear not, for we are your guide through the art of harvesting honeycomb in Minecraft while steering clear of bee aggression. Join us on this journey as we unravel the diverse applications of this golden bee byproduct.

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

1. Craft a set of shears. Shears may be crafted quickly from 2 iron ingots if you don’t already have any:

  • Turn on the 3×3 workbench.
  • In the middle of the grid, in the second box of the second row, place an iron ingot.
  • Put another iron ingot into the first row, column 3 slot.
How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

2. Look for a colony or nest of bees. Wild areas may have bee nests, while hives are a player-made item. In Meadow biomes, oak and birch trees host beehives. Underneath the tree’s leaves are a collection of beehives.

  • Nests are less frequently found in the Sunflower Plains, Flower Forest, and Plains biomes.
  • Honey production rises by one unit every time a worker bee returns to the hive from a night’s rest. Honey level 5 is required before honeycomb can be harvested from a nest or hive.
How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

3. Build a fire pit directly under the nest or hive. Putting a bonfire below the hive (within 5 blocks) will allow you to gather honeycomb without disturbing the bees. The bees will be dissuaded from attacking by the campfire’s smoke. Three sticks, one piece of charcoal or coal, and three pieces of wood or logs are all you need to build a fire in the great outdoors.

Making a campfire entails:

  • Turn on the 3×3 workbench.
  • Put one stick in the second slot in the first row.
  • Sticks, charcoal, and another stick should be arranged in the second row.
  • Wood or logs should be inserted into each of the three boxes along the third row.
  • Just above the nest or hive, remove one block to let smoke escape.
  • Locate the hive or nest and dig down one block.
  • Fill the hole with the campfire. Automatically, the campfire ignites.
How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

4. Save the honeybees! Bees, like their real-world counterparts, play a beneficial role in the Minecraft environment. When the honey level in this nest or hive hits 5, you may continue to harvest honeycomb from it without endangering the local bee population. What you need to do to acquire honeycomb without hurting the bees is as follows:

  • To keep the bees safe from the smoke in Java Edition, simply lay a carpet over the campfire.
  • In Bedrock Edition (Windows 10, consoles, etc.), you shouldn’t use a carpet, but rather dig a pit under the hive and surround it with a fence to create a campfire. After gathering the honeycomb (which isn’t required in other versions), you’ll also need to put out the campfire by placing a water block on it.
How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

5. Get the shears and cut off three honeycomb pieces. Honey level 5 indicates that the honeycomb is ready to be harvested from the nest or hive. When the hive or nest is full to the brim with honey, it’s ready to be used. To harvest the honeycomb when the smoke subdues the bees, choose the shears from the hotbar.

  • If you use Java on Windows 10 or the Education Edition, click and hold the nest.
  • Tap and hold the nest in Pocket Edition.
  • Xbox One: Maintain the RT button press.
  • For the PS4, keep holding R2.
  • Hold the ZR button down on your Nintendo Switch.
How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

6. Once it has collected more honey, it will return to its nest. If there are bees in the vicinity, honeycomb can be harvested from this nest or hive.

  • Be sure to put out the fire if you’re playing Bedrock Edition. Fire can be reignited later by striking it with flint or steel, or by firing it with a blazing arrow.
How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

When to Harvest Honeycomb in Minecraft?

It is not necessary to wait for a certain time of day or a certain weather condition to harvest honeycomb in Minecraft. You can do so whenever you like. Honeycomb can be obtained at any time during the course of the game.

However, if you uncover a bee nest in the plains, woodlands, or any other biome in which bees are found, you will not immediately obtain a honeycomb from the nest. As was previously said, to harvest honeycomb in Minecraft, you will first need to wait for the bee nest to become fully populated.

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What to Make with Honeycomb in Minecraft

You can do several things in Minecraft now that you have honeycomb in your inventory. Here are some in-game honeycomb crafting recipes to get you started.

1. Beehives

Beehives are the most common usage for honeycombs in Minecraft. Beehives are the human-made counterparts of Minecraft’s procedurally produced bee nests.

Three honeycombs and six boards of any type can be used to create a beehive in Minecraft. Launch the 3×3 crafting grid once you have the necessary materials, and place honeycombs in the middle row. The remaining six slots should be used to secure the six boards above and below the honeycombs. Check out this illustration:

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

After that, the output slot next to the crafting grid will have a beehive in it. To add the beehive to your stock, simply drag it there.

2. Honeycomb Blocks

A honeycomb block, which can be used in numerous ways including constructing machinery and adorning buildings, can be made from honeycombs.

One honeycomb block can be made with only four honeycombs. Then, activate the crafting grid by clicking on its icon, and position two honeycombs in the first row’s empty slots. Place the final two honeycombs in the first and second rows, respectively.

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

The honeycomb block produced should then be placed in one of your character’s inventory slots.

3. Candles

Candles may be crafted in Minecraft using honeycombs and string. While candles are most commonly used for illumination, they can also be utilized to decorate a cake that has been left untouched.

Launch the 3×3 crafting grid to make a candle. Then, drop a honeycomb into the grid’s central hole and a string into the one above it.

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

You may easily produce extra candles by going through the steps again.

4. Waxed Copper Blocks

Finally, you can prevent oxidation of copper blocks by waxing them with honeycombs. This not only keeps their natural hue but also keeps the option open to transform them back into copper ingots if necessary.

Waxing honeycomb allows you to create copper slabs and staircases in Minecraft, in addition to waxing copper blocks.

Waxing a copper block, slab, or set of steps requires placing the item in the first slot of the second row of the 3×3 crafting grid. Then, like thus, insert one honeycomb into the second slot of the second row:

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft without Getting Attacked

Can you get honeycomb without a Beehive in Minecraft?

If you don’t have access to a Beehive, you’ll have to rely on the random spawn of Nests to obtain Honeycomb. If you don’t want a beehive near your construction for whatever reason, you may easily manufacture one or just remember the location of the nearest Bee Nest.

Why can’t I harvest honeycomb Minecraft?

Bee Nests appear on trees at random locations around the world, and bees are always close by. But even if you do locate one, you won’t be able to collect honey from its Honeycomb until it’s full. When it’s not raining during the day, the bees in a Bee Nest will go out in search of nectar.

What is a level 5 beehive Minecraft?

When the honey reaches a level of 5, honey particles will begin to drip, signaling that it is ready to be harvested. By putting an empty bottle within the hive, the players can transform it into a honey bottle and collect the honey. If it becomes dark out or starts to rain, bees will head back to their colonies.

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